Maidstone Art Society

We promote and encourage the visual arts and have a monthly programme of meetings throughout September to June on Friday evenings with demonstrations and talks. From May to September there are “En Plein Air” painting out days.
We have a Life Study Group which meet on Monday evenings, and hold workshops on different topics and mediums throughout the year.

In July we host our Annual Art Exhibition.

The Society is a ‘not for profit’ club formed in 1922 and currently has around 90, mostly amateur, members of varying ages, abilities and styles. We always welcome newcomers to our events and encourage them to join in and enjoy the meetings.
We promote and encourage the visual arts and have a monthly programme of meetings throughout September to June on Friday evenings with demonstrations and talks. We meet in the Madginford Hall, Egremont Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 8LH
In the spring to autumn period from May to September there are painting out days where members meet on weekdays and weekends to paint at a range of public and private venues with an interesting and varied mix of subject matter.
We have a Life Study Group which meet on Monday evenings in Marsham Street on a six weekly basis. Further details available by application.
​Workshops on a variety of topics and mediums are held throughout the year for members of the society.
In July each year we host our Annual Art Exhibition at “The County Gallery”, County Hall, Maidstone.
Visitors on Friday nights pay £3. Yearly membership is £25.




Madginford Hall, Egrement Road Maidstone, Kent, ME15 8LH
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