Suzanne Chisnell

Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

Suzanne Chisnell EAGMA
I’m now a full time artist, recording the world around me in oil and pastel on canvas. I bring to my work my enthusiasm for water sports, my love of colour and my design experience from a career in landscape architecture.
My design style is based on a love of pure geometry, and exploration of line, point and mass all come into my painting practice.
I’ve lived in both city and countryside, observing both architecture and agriculture as subjects defined by seasonal change. Colour, shadow, mood.
Summer time finds me painting plein air (outside) winter not so much. I’ve a fascination for extreme weather -wind, rain, and love the challenge of recording its effects on both sea and landscape.


Oil, Pastel


Landscapes, Waterscene; Boats or Seascape


Member EAGMA