Rickshaw Wallah


This is a portrait of a Rickshaw Wallah i met in Varanasi, India. I had been travelling thoughout India for 3 months by this point, and was once again surrounded by people who all wanted their photo taken. I was then confronted with this man. I took his photo and then patiently showed him the display screen, upon which he went completely crazy and lashed out to attack me. After being calmed by the crowd, he explained that he thought i had stolen his soul as he had never seen a camera before. I tried my best to put him at ease, and take photo's of myself and other people in the ever growing crowd around me, and then show him the screen again, but unfortunately he did not seem convinced. Upon returning to the guesthouse and looking at the photo of this rickshaw wallah, i just knew that i had to paint him and incorporate the whole experience into this painting

  • Media: Oil
  • Subject: Portrait or Figure
  • Size: 100cm x 75cm

See D J’s Gallery

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