The club was founded for the study and encouragement of the arts and we offer a wide range of activities in the visual arts field of painting, sketching etc. Painting workshops are held every Tuesday afternoon at Cookham Dean Village Hall, with fortnightly optional painting topics, tea and cakes and a friendly critique. Monthly meetings, at the Parish Centre, Cookham, are held on the third Thursday and include demonstrations and illustrated lectures. Two or three times a year we have all day workshops led by a professional artist.
There are outdoor painting sessions each month in the summer at different local venues followed by tea at the venue or a member's house where the day's paintings are displayed. In addition there are coach trips to stately homes and gardens and to art exhibitions in London. We hold purely social events both in mid-summer and at Christmas. Every month a newsletter is sent out giving details of coming activities.
The club's main event in the year is the Annual Exhibition in August. This attracts a wide entry from both members and non-members. All works go before a selection committee, some paintings may not be hung but each member has the privilege of having at least one of their entries accepted. The exhibition is of a high standard, there is a very good sales record and visitors come from a wide area. There is also a members only exhibition and sale in the spring. Modern style art is encouraged as well as more traditional work. Over the years many established and well-known artists have had their beginnings in the club and it is one of our functions to encourage beginners and offer help and advice from fellow members.
Membership is open to all those who practise or are interested in and are supportive of the arts in general. The current membership fee is £18 (single) or £30 (couple) and runs from 01 January to 31 December. For any queries on membership please contact us through the SAA link, above.