Each morning the shifting light across the moors viewed from my kitchen window picks out, not just the greens and browns but every hue of pink and indigo, lilac and ochre. It is from this beautiful rural landscape that I draw my inspiration. I use watercolour, pastel or collage to try to express these atmospheric changes in the rich and exciting colours evocative of my beloved Peak District. My lifelong love of drawing and painting led me to a degree in textiles from Manchester Metropolitan University, which immersed me in the opulent texture and colours redolent of the craft. This fascination now gives me a unique vision in my chosen medium
Acrylic Inks, Pastel, Pencil/Charcoal, Water soluble pastels, Watercolour, Watercolour Pencil
Flowers or Gardens, Landscape or Woodland Scene
1st Class BA (Hons) Manchester Metropolitan University