Randa Saab

Rochester, Kent

Following my graduation with a BA in Fine Arts in 2022, I found myself drawn into painting still life, landscape, figurative art, and portrait. I mostly paint in acrylic, sometimes in oil. I occasionally paint in water colour, and work on print projects. I painted Rochester castle and Cathedral, Medway Riverside, Scotney Castle, Durham, Nairn, amongst others. My style is more of an impressionist style, which sometimes embodies some symbolism. I occasionally experiment with the expressionist style.
I am also attracted to portrait sculpture; Einstein and Charles Dickens sculptures are examples. In addition to studying sculpture at the university, I reinforced my skills through further studying with a master sculptor.
Experimenting with fabric and yarn is also one my interests and is done on a small loom. Painting icons in tempera in the old tradition is another joy, such as painting the Madonna and Child, and saints such as St. Thomas.
Art for me is a source of joy and a meditation.
I participated in many exhibitions in the UK and in Lebanon, and I’m looking forward to the coming exhibitions.
In addition to several past exhibitions, in September 2022 I had a solo exhibition titled “Two Years in Confinement”, at the Halpern gallery, Nucleus Arts. The exhibition had more than 65 paintings which focused on coping with stress and isolation, especially following the Covid period. In January 2024, I participated in “Unspoken”, with my sculpture “Mother of thousands of Children” at the Halpern gallery. I then participated in the exhibition at Rochester Cathedral “Come Eat with me”, during Feb/March 2024, my icon was St. Thomas.
I will be exhibiting at the Rochester Art Fair at the Rochester Corn Exchange in May 2024, and with the Medway Open Studios in July 2024.
I was a resident artist at Nucleus Arts, Chatham in 2023. I’m still happily connected with Nucleus Arts as a Creative Associate.

Commissions are welcome.

Instagram: @randasaabart
Facebook: Randa Saab Art
Email: randasaabart@outlook.com


Acrylics, Mixed Media, Oil, Pastel


Abstract, Figure, Flowers, Landscape, Portrait
