People's Choice

Closing date: 09/09/2021

Our Artist of the Year competition is coming to a close, all that’s left is for the judging to be finalised and we need your help too!  Two rounds of judging have already been completed and now it’s time for you to choose who gets your vote to be awarded the People’s Choice Award.

To vote, take a look at the gallery below.  You can view more paintings by simply clicking ‘Show More’ – when you’ve decided which painting you’d like to vote for, simply click the Vote button underneath the painting.

Vote for your favourite painting today!

This competition closed on 9th September 2021. See our winners gallery below.
People's Choice

Challenge Winner


Alicia Tan

Was hiking at the Singapore MacRitchie Reservoir one day when I came across this huge catchment area that was full of underwater grass. The morning lights were beaming thru the background trees. The gentle wind are blowing and the water grass are "dancing" in the water with the slow water current. The blue sky and the white clouds are reflecting on the water surface to create this mirror effect. The view was mesmerising!

I wanted to capture that moment in my painting and share my story with my viewers. Was a crazy piece painting those submerged grass.

Media: Watercolour

Size: 72CM x 53CM