The SAA’s ‘Paint a Postcard’ competition for new members. All new members are invited to enter a painted postcard for this competition (using the free Bockingford watercolour postcards including in your welcome pack!).
If you send in an original painting by post and want your picture returned, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope. This competition runs monthly throughout the year and is open to all members. If you’re a new member, be sure to mention it with your submission and your work may be featured in the PAINT Newsletter.
POSTCARD SIZE ONLY PLEASE – the painting should be of postcard size, up to 6″ x 4″ (150mm x 100mm)
Publication in Paint magazine and on the SAA Community Area
Members only
Simply paint a postcard! The Bockingford watercolour postcards included in your Welcome Pack are ideal.
To enter by post, please send your postcards to Members Postcards, SAA, PO Box 50, Newark, Notts, NG23 5GY
Simply click on ‘Enter Challenge’ at the top of this page and follow the instructions from there.
Entries must be your own work. If you have used another artists’ painting, tuition or photograph as your inspiration, please ensure you have gained the appropriate authorisation to publish the image and be sure to credit them accordingly – for example ‘after a painting by…’ or ‘from a photograph of…’