France Painting Holiday - July 2019

Held by Debbie Chatfield

Why not join me as we explore the delights of the Châteauponsac Village and surrounding area on this painting adventure in beautiful rural France.
Flying out on Tuesday 9th July we will spend a week in the home of our hosts Elaine and Mick Toft who will be looking after us, providing food, wine and transport, we return on Tuesday 16th.
This is an all inclusive holiday with all painting equipment, flights, transport (including to surrounding painting locations and trips), accommodation, food and wine included. Spaces are limited to six painters.
As we are a small group of painters there will be the opportunity to develop your drawing and painting skills and experiment with new ideas and techniques under the guidance of myself ( Debs). We will be able to undertake sketching, keeping a holiday sketch record of all the locations that we visit, using graphite, ink and watercolour to record locations, buildings and capture the moment. We will also be taking watercolours and acrylic paints outside to paint en plain-air. For those that have not painted outside before you will enjoy experiencing capturing the bright colours and creating a painting that portrays the scene and atmosphere quickly on canvas.
One thing that we can’t guarantee is the weather, although it is generally beautiful in July in this region allowing us to paint outside… We do, however, have a covered outside area where we can paint and complete canvases that were started on location or experiment with new mediums or methods. I will always be on hand to give advice and tuition whilst encouraging those who want to use their own styles to do so – I want everyone to get the best from their holiday.
All painters will be provided with a work box containing basic equipment such as pencils, ink pens, watercolour and acrylic paints (acrylics may be available in larger bottles to share). A sketch pad and canvases will also be provided. If you have favourite pencils, brushes or other mediums then you are welcome to bring them too. You will also need to take photographs of your subject for reference, to enable you to finish your painting later so your Camera Phone / IPad (or similar) will be essential.
If you have any queries or wish to book a place please don’t hesitate to contact me. If you wish to book I will send you out a booking form which will need to be returned with a deposit.


Acrylics, Pen And Wash, Pencil/Charcoal, Watercolour


Landscape or Woodland Scene


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