Steve Williamson

Held by Steve Williamson

I hold classes on Wednesdays afternoons in Holt at the Kenyon Hall.
Next term starts on September 21st from 1 pm to 3.30 pm, and we are starting with lots of small watercolours, the unconsidered trifles in the world around us.
After three or four sessions we turn to one aspect of Holt village, in the medium of your own choice. There are all sorts of views in and around the village, so searching out the one you want to do should be entertaining.
In the last three or four sessions, we will be working on a portrait, non-family, non-famous, just an interesting face.
If you would like to join us please send me an e-mail:


Acrylics, Gouache, Oil, Pastel, Watercolour


Flowers or Gardens, Landscape or Woodland Scene, Portrait or Figure, Townscape or Streetscene


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