This is my happy place, my very own creative area surrounded by all my inspirational things: bright pictures, beautiful ornaments, pretty stones, shells and of course, a collection of my favourite little mice and rat toys to look at. Some may find this a little odd but each to their own I say! I even have a little mouse in a mini rocking chair, my ‘ratty’ sign (don’t ask!), and many other gorgeous items that make me feel good. Plus, like all art enthusiasts, way too much ‘stuff’! It is the perfect environment for me to paint and create, where I am blessed with good light too. I feel extremely lucky in that my studio is quite large with double doors and Velux windows with the advantage of a mezzanine floor. All areas have mostly been painted bright white, and it is where I can relax and make some time for myself and my artwork; be it painting, drawing, mosaics, resin or jewellery making.
I look forward to going to work every single day where I also teach daily classes in drawing, watercolours, and mixed media. Perhaps this is because it is nestled in the beautiful grounds of Moira Furnace Museum and Country Park, Derbyshire where I have now been renting my unit for 17 years – my business is called Sable Studio Gallery. My learners find the space just as invigorating as I do, both indoors and out and in the courtyard area along with myself, there is a café, pottery studio and other enterprises, with toilets and free parking on the site too. When the weather is good, we can take advantage and locate ourselves at any of the picnic benches where we can then paint En Plein Air the landscape, bridge and boats or take our sketchbooks into the woods to draw the trees, flowers, and foliage. There is an abundance of wildlife in the surrounding grounds to enthuse us all; birds, butterflies, bees, squirrels, and foxes to name but a few plus the added advantage of it overlooking the Ashby canal with lovely walks in every direction. The site itself of course is a visitor attraction for not only the museum aspect but also boat ride opportunities as well as many craft events that are held here all year around. Why wouldn’t I want to come to work? My studio also attracts lots of additional visitors who like to attend either my weekly classes or the weekend workshops that I have on offer.
I do feel that every arty individual deserves to have their own designated space to get creative, be it big or small, it really does not matter. An area under the stairs, in a spare room, a desk under any window, a conservatory or even a separate space located in the garden…anywhere where you can have all your art materials within easy reach and ideally not having to constantly pack them away after each session. It is so much easier if everything can still be there the next day for you to assess with a fresh eye where you will be able to better see what it needs (if it should even require anything at all).
I like to change my studio furniture around regularly, and will often add new trinkets, bunting, hanging décor, fresh flowers, or plants. Why not try this yourself? Anything really to keep the space bright and cheerful as colour can lift our mood, so all of this enables us to work well, and they say a change is as good as a rest. Whilst I love all the seasons, we creatives need good lighting too, and this can be a struggle in the darker, wintery months. I recommend daylight bulbs so that irrespective of the weather, we can continue to be productive in our own little arty space with this additional lighting. Let’s face it, we humans will never tire of learning, we are always looking forward to trying out new ideas, materials, and projects, so please do ensure you give yourself some well-deserved space for this ‘me’ time however small.
My studio doubles up as my office and so whilst I wait for paint to dry (boring), I can get other essential jobs done, for example; record new content for my Vimeo tutorial videos, plan my painting trips to Nice, update social media and tend to my website. There have been lots going on behind the scenes since the launch of my new book ‘Loose and Lively Animals in watercolour, inks & mixed media’ and I have some more very exciting projects on the horizon. I will regularly escape upstairs to the mezzanine floor, which is decorated like a lounge, this is where I can eat lunch, have coffee and switch off for just ten minutes here and there. Breaks are extremely important so I always ensure I take plenty and encourage my learners to do the same. I will often advise them to walk away from their paintings and interact with others, and make tea/coffee so that this gives them a rest where they can be more productive as a result. It has taken over 20 years of hard work, sweat and tears to build up my business, with many highs and lows, but so long as I can still have my very own arty space to get creative, you will always see me smiling. Don’t delay, make your little nest today.
For additional details about Jo Allsopp and her work please look at her dedicated SAA pages or her website Sable Studio Gallery