I grew up on a little Island on the South Coast called Hayling Island. I always felt privileged to live on such a beautiful island with its welcoming sea and sandy beaches, a woodland to climb and build forts in and the local parks to run around and play in. As well as sneaking in the local holiday camps to enjoy all the benefits the children on holiday would have. Including the swimming pools, fun with the Uncle and Aunties and of course the Friday movies with sweets, jelly and ice-cream. When I got stressed, upset or angry, I would sit on the beach near the house I was born in and watch the waves, lost in thought while I studied their shapes, colours, sizes and sound. Breathing in their medicinal air, cleaning my lungs and soothing my soul. The calming of the sea always put me right and helped me cope with whatever life threw at me. From being bullied, to loosing my Sister, and even now I return to gather my thoughts and calm my heart when things get tough.
- Media:
Acrylics, Mixed Media
- Subject:
- Size:
30cm x 30cm
- Price: £30.00Sold
See Dbee Robinson’s Gallery
Contact Artist