Wigan Sunset

Chris Halliwell

Wigan Sunset. Oil on canvas. Art by Chris Halliwell
this is my painting of Wigan at sunset from around Christmas 1978 looking down from the top of Woodshaw Rook in Aspull, locally known as the "Wutchy". Woodshaw Rook is a hill of spoil left as a result of mining from the many local pits around Wigan. The painting shows the twin cooling towers at Westwood power station Scotsman's Flash. The three tower blocks in Worsley Mesnes; Dryden House, Masefield House and Thackery House all of which have since been demolished. On the right hand side just in front of the flats you can see St Catherine's church in Scholes. To the front of the painting you can see the Gatekeeper's cottage at Top Lock on the Leeds Liverpool canal, also on the right hand side you can see the Kirkless Hall pub, the Commercial pub and further down on the left of the canal you can see what is locally known as the "Rabbit Rocks" another hill of spoil from the local pits and finally on the left you can see what remains oft

  • Media: Oils
  • Subject: Townscape or Streetscene
  • Size: 80cm x 60cm

See Chris Halliwell’s Gallery

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