"... I Love It!"

Christine Pratt

I made this portrait of my husband merging two photographs. The background is Newlands cricket ground, Capetown taken on holiday in South Africa. I have tried to include details of the surroundings as a way of recording our shared experience, whilst hopefully not detracting from the portrait itself. The supporters flags just visible on the perimeter include Barmy Army banners. I decided to change what was originally a West Ham football club supporters flag to a Leeds United flag - a fitting nod to my husband’s favourite team. (Apologies to “Hammers” fans!
If you like this picture, you might want to visit: artbychristinepratt.com

  • Media: Acrylics
  • Subject: Portrait or Figure, Portraiture
  • Size: 457cm x 356cm
  • Price: Not for sale

See Christine Pratt’s Gallery

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